We aspire to be a people that live in relationship with GOD, with PEOPLE, and with our CITY!
As part of God’s people (from every tribe, tongue, & nation), we commit to worshipping God, following Jesus, loving one another, sharing fellowship, & reaching out to serve our community in the power of the Holy Spirit.
The Bible (Holy Scripture) is the divinely inspired Word of God. It is the story of God’s saving love, which climaxes in the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Scripture contains everything we need to know for salvation and godliness. Through God’s Word, we learn how to follow our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and become holy as God is holy. God’s Word is the sword of the Holy Spirit, the weapon by which the powers of sin and death are overthrown in the life of God’s people. The role of Christ’s Church is to rightly interpret, clarify, apply, and live out the message of God’s revealed Word.
God created human beings in His image and loves us dearly. God created us to be His children. But, as a human race, we have fallen into sin and out of relationship with God. We need God's saving grace. We need Christ! And thank God, He is faithful! God draws us back to himself, saves us by grace through faith, and reveals Himself to us as we worship and live in relationship with one another! As God has loved us and shown us mercy, so we love one another.
We love our city of Oshawa! God has placed us here for a reason: to be a blessing to our community and the world around us. God calls us to come alongside and serve others in their place of need. And God leads us to partner with other community groups and ministries to bless our city!
As the people of God, we are called to follow Jesus and become a community of love and welcome. Jesus showed God’s love and hospitality to everyone he encountered, and he calls us to do the same. We love because God first loved us! As God shows us grace, so we offer grace to others. In the strength of God’s Spirit, we seek to show hospitality, live in harmony with one another, and live peaceably with all people.